Prayer to the Most Holy Mary of Heath (Nuestra SeƱora de la Salud)

Sovereign Empress of heaven and earth,
Mary, Mother of God, inexhaustible sea of health,
on whom all your children and devotees
pinned their greatest consolation,
all of us prostrate before your altars,
we offer you our humble gift
and brief tribute of the holy novena,
and we would like to have the ardent love
and fervent devotion,
with which the Seraphs in glory praise you,
and all the Saints have praised you,
and the just on earth,
so that it may be pleasing before your eyes,
and for the great benefits that we owe you.
For all of these we all give you endless thanks,
confident that with your clemency,
our sins may not hinder the love that you always have for us.
Never stop looking at us Our Lady,
if your eyes look at us, it is impossible that they
will stop helping us.
Watch over the Supreme Pontiff,
take care of the universal benefit of the Church,
the promotion of the holy Catholic faith,
the eradication of heresies,
and for all the souls in Purgatory
who from that prison of fire implore your patronage.
And finally, because you are our most sweet Mother
bestow on us all your abundant blessing
and grant us health of body and soul,
so that we may celebrate you later on in the Kingdom of Glory.
Nuestra SeƱora de la Salud, Pray for us.