Happy 80th Founding Anniversary, CST-R!

Eighty years of excellence.
Eighty years of educating Negrenses with Recollect Values.
Eighty years of Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos.
Happy 80th Founding Anniversary Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos!
A product of the Provincial Chapter at the old historic Intramuros, CST-R was first called Sto. Tomas de Villanueva Institute. STVI was originally opened as a high school for boys in 1941 but true to its commitment to being transformative and also thirty years after its first school opening, it began enrolling high school girls in 1971.
In 2016, CST-R’s transformative tradition continued as it opened its Senior High School Department which focuses on the Academic Track.
By the year 2021, CST-R will take educating the Negrense youth to another level by opening its College Department.
Congratulatios, Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos!
Continue being the timeless beacon of academic excellence. Keep on forming youth whose treasured Augustinian values propel community development. Persist in being a transformative Recollect institution.