RST opens with new mode of learning

Mira-Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY—Recoletos School of Theology opened its horizon to Online Classes adopting to the new normal due to the dangers of CoViD 19 for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
Prof. Mark Joseph T. Calano, PhD of Ateneo de Manila University conducted a seminar workshop on Learning Management System and on the Principles for Online Learning last July 6, 2020 in preparation for the Academic Year 2020-2021. The seminar workshop equipped professors and students to the rudiments of online teaching and learning system with the aid of various platforms such as Canvass, Google Classroom, and Schoology.
He explained that the academic demands of the present situation will be different regarding the teaching-learning process. He reminded all who were present that adjustments are part of the new classroom set-up and there would be changes in the traditional pedagogy (classroom setting) with the shift from physical classroom setting to an online manner of delivering instructions.
Prof. Calano further emphasized the necessary balance among the content (subject matter), coach (teacher), and cohort (community of learners) in order to achieve holistic learning despite the changes in methods.
Present during the seminar were the resident faculty of RST together with Dean of Studies, Fray Radni L. Caparas, OAR; the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR; other visiting professors and Recollect Theology Students.