Misa de Gallo Day 2 Reflection: WE BELONG TO HIM

Reflections by Br. Mel Archie Vergara
Matthew 1: 1-16
The gospel of Matthew presents to us the genealogy of Jesus. Here, we could see that Matthew traces the origin of Jesus from King David to Joseph. He traces the lineage of Jesus to let the Jews see that through Jesus the promise of a messiah would be fulfilled. He is the new Moses that will continue what Moses has started.
- We could see in the genealogy of Jesus on how He restored the glory of the Israelites (the CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD). We would remember from the Old Testament that through the reign of King David, he brought glory to the Israelites. However, it did not last long because when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem, they put the Israelites into exile. Not only that, the Jewish people continued to suffer oppression under the hands of various foreign nations up to the time of Jesus when the Romans have already ruled the land. Our preparation for the coming of our Saviour reminds us that we are also chosen that is why He willed to come and be in our midst. It is so touching and heartening to know that we become part of the reason for Christmas. More than the gifts and paper wrappers, the carols, and foods, each one of us is important because YOU ARE CHOSEN!
- Jesus became the ANSWER to the Israelites’ pains, anxieties and struggles. In what way? The Jews viewed their exile as a consequence of sin because of their unfaithfulness to the covenant of God. As King David brought glory to the Israelites, so also did Jesus. It was through His passion, death and resurrection that brought all of us to salvation. The broken bond of the Israelites with God was restored by Jesus Himself. We are chosen by God to be His people that is why we prepare for His coming. As we welcome Him in our lives, he stays and lives in us. Just like Jesus who became the answer for the Israelites and restored their broken bond with their God. Our preparation for his coming allows us to be GOD’S ANSWER: the instruments of restoration to the many brokenness in our families, communities and societies.
- We could also see in the genealogy of Jesus different personalities from David to Jesus. These people are chosen by God in order to be His instruments in manifesting His Glory. However, some are also sinful as we are. Let us take for example, King David; we know that he was a murderer and adulterer but despite of this, God still chose David. Indeed, WOUNDED HEALERS is politically correct Christian pennames. All of us have our own story to tell. All of us are facing trials, difficulties and even pains especially in this trying time. But God’s grace goes beyond human limitations and understanding. Your presence, your smile, your words, your simple acts of charity, etc. could mean a lot to those who are struggling to find a reason to live. Don’t forget to smile every day, it could change the world. This Christmas, allow yourself to be a WOUNDED HEALER through simple act of kindness.
There is no such thing as a perfect family. Even Jesus does not come from a perfect human family. Despite of this, God still chooses them to be part of the glory of God, to become members of His Family. God wants us to remain loyal and faithful to Him despite of our shortcomings. As members of His Family, the Lord is calling us to assume that identity as chosen and carry our responsibilities in restoring humanity at its best and remain wounded healers for mankind. How is our family? Do we take pride in them? Or do we deny and feel ashamed of them because of their past?