Uniagustiniana to confer Honoris Causa on Fray Jaranilla

Bogotá, COLOMBIA – The Universitaria Agustiniana (Agustiniana University) will bestow the rare distinction of “Honoris Causa en Cine y Televisión” – or honorary degree in Film and Television – on Fray Reynaldo Jaranilla, OAR in a simple ceremony within the holy mass on March 8, 2021 (March 9 in the Philippines).
Just as every honorary degree recognizes the distinguished contributions of an expert in his particular field, for Fray Jaranilla, this award which he did not expect to receive testifies to and concludes his fruitful stay for 32 months in the Recollect Province of Our Lady of Candelaria for interprovincial collaboration and learning of Spanish language.

Fray Enrique Arenas Molina, OAR, rector of the said university, abbreviatedly called Uniagustiniana, Dr. Ricardo Rojas López, Secretary General and VP of Academics, and Edward Lozano Martínez, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Arts and Culture, are expected to hand him over the diploma.

A news brief from the administration office of the Province thanked Fray Jaranilla “por su trabajo interprovincial, el cual nos brindó al interior de la Uniagustiniana, desde el mes de Junio de 2018 … (en) la Comisión de Comunicaciones de la Provincia y también las transmisiones de muchas actividades que se realizan en la Parroquia San Agustín de Fontibón” (“for the interprovincial work which he rendered to us within the Agustiniana University since June 2018 … in the Commission on Communications of the Province and also in the broadcasts of many activities in San Agustin Parish in Fontibón”).
Fray Boyax, as he is fondly called by his confreres and friends, said he had found himself most relevant particularly in the area of film and television, thanks to his rich background in information technology, audiovisual management, film arts, music, mass media, social media, and other allied disciplines.
Among his valuable contributions in the university include training of the TV laboratory custodians of Centro Agustiniano de Medios (CAM), who, in turn, pass the skills to the instructors and students; collaboration in the renovation of the new broadcast studio; and sharing innovative workflows for mobile multi-camera broadcast.

On March 9, at 6:30 a.m. (PH time), or four days before his departure back to the Philippines, he will be recognized as the solo recipient – and arguably, the first Filipino Recollect of the Province to receive such title from a Recollect university abroad – of this honorary degree approved by Colombia’s Ministry of National Education. The rite will be streamed live via Facebook (account name: Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno).
Our warmest congratulations to Father Boyax!