RAY de Antipolo Renewal of Commitment and Oath taking

by Anabelle P. Capecenio
Antipolo City, RIZAL–Last March 14, 2021, the Recollect Augustinian Youth Antipolo Council led by the newly elected president, Ms. Jessa Villamer, renewed their commitment as members of the Recollect Augustinian Youth and as a faithful follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The induction of newly elected officers was officiated by Fray James Castelo, OAR, RAY de Antipolo Spiritual Director and Pre-Novitiate Director of St. Ezekiel Moreno Novitiate-Recoletos, followed by the renewal of commitment of all the RAY Antipolo members. The same occasion was celebrated during the 4th Sunday of Lent at St. Ezekiel Moreno Chapel.
Fray Castelo during his Homily shared with the people present especially the RAY de Antipolo that amidst this pandemic not to forget to serve the Lord, just like how Jesus continues to carry the cross to save us. It is indeed a reminder for the young people that in times when things are different, where difficulties ensue and negativity challenges us, what is need is no other than to have faith and put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the same virtue, one will realize that God will never allow people to experience unfortunate events without any reason. Faith is what one needs to understand God’s will. The pandemic may change people’s lives but it should not weakens the Christian.
The Recollect Augustinian Youth de Antipolo with the challenges of time continues to advocate and live their ideals as youth of St. Augustine.