Recoletos de Antipolo welcomes Prior Provincial for Renewal Visit

ANITPOLO CITY—The Renewal Visit of the Prior Provincial on June 9 – 10, 2021 started in the Chapel invoking the Holy Spirit for the guidance and enlightenment of the religious in the community and the rest of the members of the community. In the opening message of the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, he quoted the OAR Constitution #464 that his visit is primarily “to know the state of the community (Add. Code #468), to re-affirm religious life more fully and the charity and unity between the brothers, as well as to correct any abuses”. Added to this function is to check the official books of the community including the books of the seminary (Book of Chapters), SARF-Antipolo Chapter, and RAY de Antipolo.
After the liturgical opening prayer in the chapel, the individual dialogue ensued. It started with Fray Paulino Dacanay, Prior of the Community. It was followed by Fray Emeterio Buñao, Spiritual Director of the Community, Fray Roland Cepe, Master of the Novices. Lunch take its toll for a break from the fraternal dialogue.
At 2:30 in the afternoon, Fray Castelo started the fraternal dialogue. Then, Fray Bitangjol followed and lastly, Fray Orobia met the Provincial with the same purpose but it was seemingly a succinct but essential as it was cut off by the Office of the Readings and Evening Prayers.
The Novices was met as a group after the supper time.
In the morning of the following day, the Eucharistic Celebration with Morning Prayer at 6:30 in the morning was presided by the Prior Provincial together with the SARF – Antipolo Chapter. After breakfast, Fray Selma met the SARF – Antipolo together with their Spiritual Director, Fray Buñao.
The Community of Fathers met at the Sala de Recreo for a community dialogue and to solicit some concerns that might be beneficial for the community and for the province as a whole.
The Renewal Visit ended with a liturgical and penitential celebration at the Chapel at 11:30 AM together with the Midday Prayer.
Congratulations! God bless us!