Visit of Renewal: Reaffirming Charity and Unity among Brothers

Mira-Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY—Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR conducts Visit of Renewal to Recoletos Formation Center Community from June 11 – 12, 2021; it is worth asking what the significance of this visit is when RFC is just a few minutes away from the Provincial House? The Prior Provincial answered this question from the point of view of the OAR Constitutions no. 464 “The Main purpose of the visit of renewal is to know the state of the community, to re-affirm religious life more fully and the charity and unity between the brothers, as well as to correct any abuses.” There are three kinds of Visit by the Provincial – Fraternal visit, this happens anytime that he visits for any purpose; Emergency Visits, that which does not require an advance notice; and the Visit of Renewal.

The first day of Visit began at 9:00 AM with the community gathering in the St. Thomas of Villanova Chapel for the Opening Liturgy. In his message, Fray Selma explained that this visit is to encourage brothers as well as to check on abuses in need of correction. He encouraged the brothers to be open during the individual dialogue but there is no need to force them to do so because it is more of a “kamustahan” to know how they are doing. The Provincial reminded everyone of “Augustinian way of life/Recollect way of life”: Everyone is one soul and so the first apostolate of each member is the community. Elements needed are love for community, and love for prayer life.

In the second and last day, the Prior Provincial presided over the Mass of the day. At 9:00 AM, he met the coristas to update them on the State of the Province in relation to what the Church is dealing with at the moment. He admonished them to take caution and prudence in all their actions. He likewise shared the status of the Mes de Preparacion in this period of pandemic. After the meeting with the coristas, he then met with local members of the Recollect Augustinian Youth and the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity. He reminded the SARF of the importance of receiving the sacraments as the main sustaining factor in the midst of this trying moments. On the other hand, the RAY members recounted to the Provincial the activities of the RAY such as the Regional RAY gathering at SSC-R de Cavite and the National Summit at Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary prior to the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The visit concluded during the Midday Prayer where he thanked the community for the success of this Visit of Renewal. Before the close of the Visit, the greeting of peace was shared with the members of Recoletos de Mira-Nila.