Visit of Renewal in Cavite: Presence of Renewal and Encounter

CAVITE CITY—Isolation is the greatest negative consequence of the COVID-19 lock down. Families and friends are prohibited to gather and be connected with each other for more than a year now. This is felt most significantly by the Augustinian Recollect communities whose member would regularly gather and bond fraternally.
The presence and Renewal Visit of the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Selma, OAR, proved to be a great blessing and a reminder to the members of the Augustinian Recollect Family of Cavite City that they are not alone. Although isolated for now, the Prior Provincial’s presence reminded the Augustinian Recollects of Cavite City that they belong to a greater family whose members are also longing to be in touch and connected with them physically soon.
The official visit of the Prior Provincial started in the morning of June 23, 2021 with the opening rites and individual dialogue for the whole day. The individual dialogue proved to be a great gift for the individual members of the community. It was not just a venue for the Prior Provincial to know the status of the community, but also the situation of the individual friars.
The second and last day of the visit, July 24, 2021, started with a very fruitful gathering of the members of OAR family. A Mass was celebrated and a sumptuous breakfast was served for the Augustinian Recollect Sisters, Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity and Recollect Augustinian Youth after. A productive conference and dialogue ensued with the members of each group. The AR Sisters, SARF and RAY, confirmed in their calling, departed blessed and encouraged with the encounter. Before lunch, the community gathered for a session with the Prior Provincial wherein he shared his thoughts, reflections, observations and words of thanks and encouragement for the community. The closing rites gave the Prior Provincial a venue to confirm the community in their apostolate and encourage the members to perform their task accordingly. The visit ended with a pleasant lunch where updates and stories from other communities and brothers were discussed.