Prior Provincial Renewal Visit to RAY de Provincialate 2021

Last June 26, 2021 at San Nicolas De Tolentino Parish, Prior Provincial Rev. Fr. Dionisio Selma, OAR conducted a visit on the Recollect Augustinian Youth de Provincialate to know the status of the local community.
The Renewal Visit commenced with a morning prayer headed by the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity (SARF), followed by a celebration of the Holy Mass at 6:30am, presided by Rev. Fr. Dionisio Selma, OAR and concelebrated with the OAR fathers.
Right after the mass, they had a simple breakfast that was shared by the group. Everybody seems to enjoy their food as most of them were able to get along with each other and had a wonderful conversation with the other OAR members.
After the fellowship comes the dialogue of RAY de Provincialate and SARF with Fr Selma. Each community presented their accomplishments, on-going activities and future projects. They also informed the Prior Provincial what are the assistance they offered to help the parish and suggested some improvements in order for the community work in harmony. The Prior Provincial then addressed the concerns and queries of each community. He reiterated that OAR spiritually is a WAY OF LIFE. He said that “being a RAY is a Way of answering God’s call.”
He also showed great admiration on the two communities for the collaboration, unity and harmony they showed among each other.
Before the dialogue ends, he encouraged everyone to continue with their daily Christian prayers and Lectio Divina, may it be via online or face to face, as they abide with the Recollect way of life.