Renewal Visit 2021: RAY de Bacolod

The SARF and Full-fledged RAY members welcomed Rev. Fr. Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, the Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, for the Renewal Visit last July 13, 2021, in the Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Oratory.Fr. Selma discussed the planned events, the fulfillment of the ordinances, the examination, continuing to impart spirituality, verifying the communication with RAY and SARF, and checking on priests throughout the visit. It was later followed by an open forum, addressing the grievances and concerns of the community & follow-ups on certain matters.
“Hindi madali because I am a sinner and it is not easy to confront differences but as OAR we do that because of Fraternal correction as said in the constitution” as Rev. Fr. Selma statedThis activity reminded us that we belong, and we are one. The visit was concluded with two short stories, reminding us who we are and be a little kinder by allowing grace to change ourselves.