Bishop Gaa ordains 3 OAR friars to Sacred Order of the Diaconate

Mira Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY—A day before the 23rd anniversary of the foundation of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, three Augustinian Recollect solemnly professed friars were ordained to the Sacred Order of the Diaconate on November 27, 2021 at Our Lady of Consolation Parish.
Most Rev. Roberto O. Gaa, DD, Bishop of the Diocese of Novaliches, presided the Diaconal Ordination together with Fray Ian Anthony Espartero, OAR, the Vicar of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno Province of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Fray Hector Gonzales, OAR, Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Consolation Parish, the Chapter of Formation of Recoletos Formation Center, and other Augustinian Recollect priests from Manila, Quezon City, and Cavite City.

As they received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, these deacons are now configured to Christ as they begin their ministry of service. Months ago, they were perpetually incorporated to the Order as they solemnly professed the evangelical counsels. They were Fray Julius James T. Tinapao, OAR, Fray Ricky John A. Austria, OAR, and Fray James Erold P. Gatinao, OAR.
The event was attended in person by a good number of Augustinian Recollect friars and sisters, some relatives of the candidates, and friends. It was also aired via Facebook live for their parents and relatives who were not able to attend in person.
In the homily, Bishop Gaa reminisced his consecration as a bishop that it was an invitation to continue to be a deacon. He said, “we continue to be a deacon as we continue to serve.” He highlighted the word Diakonia, which means “service” and all of them emphasized that we are called to serve and not to be served.
The good bishop also addressed the ordinandi and said, “To the three of you, these times are challenging, we cannot go back to the former ways we administered to the people but there is a new way to reach out to them and you are now called to place that way and you are not alone. The spirit of the diaconate will continue to be in your community and continue to push you forward to aid you so that you may continue to serve God’s people with joy, devotion and love.”
Before the final blessing, Rev. Julius James T. Tinapao, OAR, delivered his words of gratitude as he thanked the Almighty Father for the milestone they received. He also expressed his gratitude for their parents, relatives, and friends as they continue to journey with them.