56th OAR General Chapter starts

ROME–The Chapter gathers 35 religious from 11 countries in Rome with the objective of programming the strategic lines of the Order for the period 2022-2028.
The Order of Augustinian Recollects begins this Tuesday, March 1, the celebration of its 56th General Chapter, which takes place in Rome. 35 religious, coming from 11 countries, will participate in the chapter, which will set the objectives and strategic lines for the next six years.
The General Chapter, as indicated in the Constitutions of the Augustinian Recollects, is “the supreme authority of the Order” and is celebrated every six years. In a message prior to the meeting, the outgoing Prior General Miguel Miro has assured that they are celebrating this chapter in line with the synodal process of the Church, “with the desire to evangelize and to be in harmony with the Church”.
The opening Eucharist will be presided over by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The General Chapter will then officially begin with the singing of the Veni Creator and the Prior General’s greeting.
The themes to be discussed during the General Chapter are outlined in the preparatory document prepared by the precapitular commission. During the previous months, the work team has tried to listen to the proposals of the religious and to gather them so that they can be taken into account.
The last general chapter, held in 2016, made the decision to reduce the provinces from eight to four. During the last six years the process of union has been carried out, guided by the words of Pope Francis in the audience he held with the previous chapter: “The Lord asks us to be his ‘creators of communion’”.
The motto chosen for this occasion is “I have come that all may have life” (Jn 10:10). With it, the Order intends to indicate the vital dynamism of the charism, which pushes to walk day by day together with the Church in the evangelizing task in the world.
The 56th General Chapter is framed within the year of commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the first General Chapter, celebrated in 1621 in Madrid. This General Chapter and the chapters of the four provinces, which will be celebrated throughout 2022, are the most important milestones of this centenary.