Fine-tuning the Order’s priorities

The 56th General Chapter works by commissions in the different areas of the life of the Order.
The commissions of the 56th General Chapter continue their work of analysis and drafting of proposals that will be presented to the Chapter Hall in the coming days. Since Monday, the religious have been working in six groups, each group taking charge of a specific area, namely: spirituality, permanent formation and accompaniment; vocations and youth; initial formation; ministerial apostolate; educational apostolate; and government, economy, communication and protection of minors.

Each commission will present a number of proposals, which will then be voted on by the chapter assembly and, if approved, will become part of the Order’s Life and Mission Plan.
The 56th General Chapter also continued to receive messages of support and congratulations from different places and in different formats. Augustinian Recollect bishops, religious, members of the International Solidarity Network ARCORES and lay people from the FSAR and parishes have conveyed their closeness to the capitulars.
The Augustinian Recollect VÃctor Villegas presided over the Eucharistic celebration this Tuesday, which was offered for all the Augustinian Recollect religious who have passed away since 2016. At the beginning of the Mass, the priors provincial read the names of all the deceased members of their provinces in these last six years.