Los Vocacionados 2022: Journeying Towards the Call

BAGUIO CITY-As a new formation year begins, young men from various provinces of the country have assembled and stayed in the Minor Basilica and Parish of San Sebastian in Quiapo, Manila, for three days before proceeding to Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary last July 20-23, 2022. There are six aspirants from Bohol, four from Negros Occidental; two from Negros Oriental; three from Metro Manila; one from Southern Leyte; one from the following: Palawan, Pangasinan, Baguio, Cebu, Subic, with a total of 21 neophytes who desires to enter the Seminary. That same night, the neophytes spent some time getting acquainted with fellow aspirants after dinner.
The second day commenced with the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Basilica, presided by Rev. Fr. Emeterio Buñao, OAR. In his homily, he mentioned Jesus telling us that by welcoming Him into our lives and listening with understanding to His teachings, we will be nourished and enriched by the truth and beauty of His message. Our interest in Him will increase, and by constant listening to His words, more revelations are given to us. We then grow in wisdom and knowledge. However, if we reject Him or stop listening to Him, we will lose whatever we have learned from Him. We become less and less interested in Him until our heart becomes so hard that His words can no longer penetrate. To be followed by two consecutive breakfast meals courtesy of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters and San Sebastian College- Recoletos. Afterward, Rev. Fr. Allan Jacinto, OAR, gave a small talk on the history of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and its presence here in the Philippines and their significant contributions to various needs, silently building and enriching communities throughout the country’s history up until the present. Towards the end of his short talk, Fr Allan divided the brothers into four smaller groups: young professionals and three subgroups composed of the younger batch of aspirants. The groups were given Micah 6:7-8 as their point of reflection for their group-sharing activity.
The afternoon session is divided into three parts. First, Fr. Allan introduced two lay volunteers from the Parish and shared some words of wisdom and encouragement for the brothers. Subsequently, the Augustinian Recollect Sisters’ aspirants and juniors paid a visit to the brother-aspirants and engaged in an afternoon of healthy discussion and laughter, focusing on the aspects and expectations for the upcoming seminary formation of the brothers. They also shared their personal stories of encounters with the Lord during their initial formation inside their convent. This simple gathering of young men and women striving to serve the Lord in his vineyard exemplifies a community that shares Jesus’ gift of vocation that eventually gives inspiration and a source of comfort to all, knowing that we are not alone. The activity ended with a short visit to the Mother House of the AR Sisters. The brothers muster their courage as a choir to sing at the Basilica during the 6 pm Mass.

The brothers spent the penultimate day visiting the different communities of the Province in Metro Manila and Antipolo. They visited the pre-novitiate and Novitiate Formation house in Antipolo, where they had their morning Mass and breakfast. The brothers initiated a welcome program wherein they shared experiences and gave pieces of advice to the aspirants on what to do, especially in coping with their new environment, dealing with their separation anxieties, mental crisis, etc. Aside from that, the neophytes had a glimpse of the Clausura. After which, they proceeded to their next destination, the Theologate.

Upon arrival at the Recoletos Formation Center, the neophytes met some of the Father formators. They visited the Museum, the Library, and the Bulwagang Rekoleto Conservation facility. Their exploration of the Recoletos Formation Center would not be complete without visiting the Our Lady of Consolation Parish, where the Recollect Friars’ ordination occurs. Underneath the Parish also lies the Columbarium. From death, they proceeded to the RFC’s garden, where animals are domesticated. The neophytes joined the community in their midday prayer and lunch.

The last stop was at the Provincialate House in Quezon City, where the neophytes had the opportunity to meet the new Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, Rev. Fr. Bernard Amparado, OAR. They introduced themselves before Fr. Bernard. In response, he gave the neophytes some words of encouragement that they should persevere in their vocation despite the trials. After the encounter with the Provincial, everybody enjoyed a respite in the Provincialate’s pool. But the night was far from over as they shared dinner with the community. Afterward, they bid farewell and returned to SSC-R from a long but fun and grace-filled day.

The 21 brave young men were welcomed with a bang at Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary when they arrived in the afternoon of July 23, 2022.
Additional Story by Samuel V. Gutierrez