OLCP receives 12 new CARAS members

Mira Nila Homes, QUEZON CITY – Our Lady of Consolation Parish commissioned twelve candidates to the Ministry of Altar Servers and the renewal of twenty-five members of the Confraternity of Augustinian Recollect Altar Servers last July 31, 2022. They were as follows:
1. Hans Jacob Aurel
2. Jake Badilla
3. Elizalde Bautista
4. Jeferson Jalique
5. John Mark Molina
6. John Renz Nobleza
7. Russel Joseph Orbe
8. Dominic Santayo
9. Darwin Jay Santillon
10. John Rey Tondo
11. Lorenz Arnel Yayon
12. Mark Andrew Villaluz

The Eucharistic Celebration started at 9:00 in the morning and it was presided by Rev. Fr. Reno C. Villalino, OAR, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Consolation Parish. On his homily, he imparted to the young men the love and commitment that they should have as members of the Confraternity. He also reminded them that their duties are not only limited on serving the altar but also in doing manual works in maintaining the beautification and cleanliness of the parish.

After the homily, the Rite of Investiture and Renewal followed and as the investees donned their sutanas they declared to the Lord and His people their intention and accepted by the Parish Priest himself.
These young men who have answered God’s call to serve the Lord in his altar, underwent series of formation sessions every Sunday afternoon as part of their preparation and training is to know the essence of the liturgical celebrations and assisting the priest. As part of their formation was the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, and the History and Spirituality of the Augustinian Recollects. As they responded to this call, they faced the new phase of their life to live out the most essential lessons they learned as an Altar Servers.