“Unity that brings closer to God” – Bishop Gaa on OLCP 35TH PATRONAL FIESTA

MIRA-NILA HOMES, Quezon City – Our Lady of Consolation Parish celebrates its 35th Patronal Fiesta and had its Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Renie C. Villalino, OAR installed by Most Rev. Roberto Gaa, DD, last Sunday, September 4, 2022 on the occasion of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Consolation.

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by the Parish priest himself, Fr. Renie together with Most Rev. Roberto Gaa, DD, Bishop of Novaliches who presided over the introductory rite and the final blessing. Also concelebrating were, Fr. Bernard C. Amparado, OAR, Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, the Recoletos de Mira-Nila Community, and some Recollect Priests from different communities.
The Rite of Installation took place immediately after the introductory rites and Fr. Bernard reads the Letter of Appointment as the Bishop presented to the faithful the new shepherd of the parish.

In the homily of Bishop Gaa emphasized important reflections that, “God has a master plan for each and every one of us and God’s plan for us to be really happy. But we have to follow God’s plan and because of that there is a certain sense of trust in God’s plan. Kailangan magtiwala tayo sa plano ng Diyos. We have to trust that God is good, no matter what happens even if we go through darkness, trials, struggles, and even sickness, we have to trust that God is good… How are we going to find out God’s plan for us? Of course we need to pray. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to find out what His plan.” Says the Bishop.

The Good Bishop also invited Fr. Renie and his Parishioners for Communal discernment, in taking aside their own preferences for the good of the community. The Spirit of synodality to listen to God’s flock. He must not the only to listen but the parishioners should also listen. The collaboration of everyone will become closer if they will listen to the voice of the Spirit. Bishop Gaa concluded his homily in saying, “I admonish the whole community, listen first to the Spirit and not your own preference and what you want so that when you come together as community it is now the Spirit that is leading you closer and closer to God and this is the unity that brings closer to God led by the Spirit.”

Before the final blessing, Fr. Renie C. Villalino, OAR, delivered his message of gratitude to all the people who supported the success of the Parish Fiesta Mass. He expressed his thanks to the different organizations of the parish for the full support in the preparation for this momentous event of the Parish.
It was attended by a good number of parishioners and well-known personalities who continuously supported the parish. After the final blessing, each organizations and ministries had its photoshoot with Bishop Gaa as their souvenir. The parish also prepared a dinner celebration at the 3rd floor of Parish Pastoral Center for those who attended the Holy Mass.