Newly-Ordained Deacons Told: “You are first of all servants of Christ”

QUEZON CITY- You are first of all servants of Christ
This is what Most Rev. Emeritus Teodoro Bacani, DD reminded the two Recollect friars in their diaconal ordination last November 19, 2022 at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish, Mira Nila Homes, Quezon City.

“It is important to serve the people. But before serving the people, and with serving the people, please do not forget that you are first of all servants of Christ,” said the ordaining prelate to Rev. Ivan Cuison, OAR and Rev. Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR.
The Bishop-Emeritus of Novaliches recounted the Gospel account of the restoration of St. Peter. “Remember that the Lord, entrusted His sheep to Peter only after he said that ‘Lord you know that I love you,’ then Christ said ‘Follow me.’”
The ordaining prelate recalled the Gospel of St. John to remind the deacons that they can only serve the people if they truly serve Christ.
“You can serve Christ, according to the Bible and St. Augustine if you love,” he added.
Bp. Bacani added that as servants of Christ they are also friends of Christ who do His command.

Give Thanks to the Lord
The celebration is attended by the Vicar of the Province, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Onda, OAR who represented the Prior Provincial. Other Recollect Priests concelebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Quoting the letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Rev. Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR said “Give thanks to the Lord in all circumstances,” as he started his message of Gratitude.
Rev. Rodriguez thanked all the people who helped them throughout the years of their formation.
“No thanks can we utter to all of you, even our good actions will not suffice your goodness to us, but once more accept our sincerest thanks. I and Rev. Ivan, and the whole community of the Recoletos Formation Center are forever grateful. Laus Deo!” he ended.
The two newly-ordained deacons solemnly professed their vow of evangelical counsels last October 15, 2022.

Rev. Ivan Cuison, OAR is a native of Baguio City, while Rev. Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR is from Brooke’s Point, Palawan.