Poster Exhibit and Creative Presentation open Jornadas de Filosofia 2023

BAGUIO CITY – Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary’s annual Jornadas de Filosofia marks its first day with the poster exhibit and creative presentation contest last March 20, 2023.
Vibrant and colorful artworks were hung in the seminary classroom corridor as each fraternity showcased their philosophical posters.

With the theme “Philosophy: Becoming Witnesses of Communion,” each fraternity was tasked to create and design bulletin boards featuring the poster days they made prior to the opening.
Recycled materials and objects that can be found around the seminary such as pine cones, tree branches, stones, etcetera were utilized to design the bulletins.
Symbols, designs, and images in the bulletin are to convey and reflect philosophic values in relation to the theme.
This year’s discussion and presentation offered a twist for each fraternity which made it different from the past presentation contests. Each fraternidad was tasked to form a creative presentation of the explanation regarding the bulletin they made where members of each fraternity performed short drama, skit, etcetera.
Br. Pat Dexter Abucejo spearheaded the explanation for the Fraternidad de Nuestro Señor Jesus Rey del Universo, Br. Kyril Justine Ignacio for the Fraternidad de Señor Jesus Nazareno, Br. Jude Dacullo for the Fraternidad de Jesus Divina Misericordia, and Br. Mark Anthony Zion Madrona for the Fraternidad de Nuestro Señor Sto. Niño.