Emmanuel Luis A. Romanillos, Brother General of the Order and enthusiast of Recollect history, hometown honoree

During the 88th National Book Week in the Philippines, the San Carlos Public Library (Negros Occidental, Philippines) has honored Romanillos, one of his countrymen. In an interview, he has explained the reasons for his love for the history of the Gathering in his country.
The city of San Carlos (Negros Occidental), through his Public Library, has honored his countryman Professor Emmanuel Luis A. Romanillos (1950), university professor of Spanish and Italian and Member of the Philippine Academy of the Spanish Language.
Romanillos has been a scholar of the history of the Augustinian Recollects in his country, as well as a translator of works that promote the knowledge of the Augustinian Recollect charism in the Islands. to celebrate this tribute has explained to his countrymen why he feels in love with history, languages, the cultural heritage and historical research.
“My profuse thanks to the San Carlos City Public Library through its librarian Ms. Stella Micullar-Fetiluna for this great honor of having my research works exhibited her in my very own beloved hometown—San Carlos City— and during the celebration of the 88th National Book Week and the 32nd Library and Information Services Month”, he indicated to the audience attending the event.
As he explained, in the 1960s it was discovered that the number of sources in English on the history and the cultural heritage of the Augustinian Recollects in the Philippines was practically nil. The existing writings were almost entirely in Spanish, a language in which he still did not feel sufficiently competent despite having studied it in school.

To consult these handwritten and other printed sources, Romanillos worked hard for four years of studies in Spain, three in Italy and another 29 research in the Philippines from Diliman University.
In this way, he has come to have tools for historical research such as Latin, the paleography, historiography, interpretation and translation, and research methods.
In Rome he focused his undergraduate thesis on the beginnings of Christianity in Bohol, a research that today it is part of the History of Bohol (1521-1937) published by the National Historical Commission of Philippines in September 2022.

Among the topics that the honored historian has dealt with most are the recoleto buildings (basilicas, cathedrals, temples, bell towers, schools), the lives of saints in their relationship with the Philippines, others iconic characters and events.
To do this, Romanillos has frequently visited archives in Rome and Vatican City, as well as in Spain (Madrid, Marcilla, Valladolid) and the Philippines (Manila, Quezon City).
One of the most curious subjects dealt with by Romanillos is the Chabacano, a true heritage Spanish Linguistics in the Philippines. He has also delivered basic Spanish and Italian textbooks for a cruise company for its Filipino, Indonesian and Indian employees to offer the better services to customers inside the ship. There are several generations of Philippine Augustinian Recollects who have learned Spanish with a method and text written by Romanillos.