Prior General visits Central America

Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez begins a fraternal visit to the communities and ministries of Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.
The Prior General begins this Tuesday, May 8, a two-month fraternal visit to the communities and ministries of Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez will get to know first hand the work being done in these countries and will hold meetings with religious, secular fraternities and young people of these countries.
The trip of the Prior General will begin on May 9 in Panama, where he will stay until May 23. During these weeks he will visit Colegio San Agustin and the parishes of St. John Baptist de la Salle and St. Monica and St. Luke. Later he will visit the Holy Family Parish in David and will have a meeting with the Augustinian Recollect Cardinal Jose Luis Lacunza. The route will continue to Changuinola and Kankintú, where he will visit the mission of the Augustinian Recollects in the region of Ngöbe Buglé.
On May 23, Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez will arrive in Cuba to visit the four religious of the missionary community of Holguin and learn about their work in Banes, Antilla, Tacajo and Banguanos. It will be his first visit as Prior General to the interprovincial community of Cuba, directly dependent on the General Curia.

He will travel from Cuba to Guatemala on June 1. For ten days he will visit the Postulancy of St. Augustine and the parishes of St. Jude and St. Maria Goretti. A few days later he will travel to Totonicapán and Queztaltenango, where he will visit the Augustinian Recollect Bishop Mario Alberto Molina.
The next destination of the Prior General will be the Dominican Republic. Here he will visit the Aspirantado San Agustin in Santo Domingo, the Parish of St. Augustine in Bajos de Haina, and the Parish of Our Lady of Consolation in San Cristobal. The last stop of the tour will be Costa Rica, where he will be from June 17 to 30, visiting the Augustinian Recollect ministries in Alajuela, Cartago, Pozos de Santa Ana and Puerto Viejo.
Source: El Prior general de los Agustinos Recoletos visita Centroamérica