Recollect Spirituality for Indonesian Youth

LEDO, BENGKAYANG, Indonesia– Augustinian Recollect Spirituality was introduced to the Youth from various chapel areas of Paroki Sto. Agustinus dari Hippo last July 10-11, 2023 on the occasion of Ekaristi Kaum Muda (EKM).
Fray Jovy Gallego, OAR reminded the participants about the importance of the Holy Eucharist in the life of young people during the Opening Mass. On the first day there was Holy Hour and was followed by the presentation from each group.
Fray Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR gave an input about the spirituality of the Augustinian Recollects. While Fray Jovy, OAR explained briefly the identity of the Augustinian Recollects, history and Recollect Augustinian Youth.
This was followed by the re-echo of an Indonesian Youth Day 2023 participant Christian Mariobello from the Parish of Sto. Augustinus. Prior to the closing Eucharistic celebration there was an activity called outbound wherein each group learned to work as a community and to value community life.
EKM is an annual activity of each parish in the Archdiocese of Pontianak. The activity focuses on nurturing the devotion of young people to the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This year is the first EKM in the Parish. There were 185 young people representing chapel areas of the Parish.