CST-R Stronghold Team Building Event Caps Preps for A.Y. 2023-2024

Teambukto wins!
After nearly two weeks of in-service training and seminar sessions, Thomasian faculty and staff cap off the preparations for the next school year with a fun and challenging team building activity that also served as warm welcome for newly-hired teachers and employees.
Teambukto wiped out the two other teams by clocking in 15:09 after perfecting six challenges at the Golden Eagles Football field.
Teampura who clocked in 21:50 trailed in second while Teambangan finished last at 25:00.
The challenges were all designed to test cooperation and teamwork among the members of the CST-R faculty and staff.
In the previous week, teachers joined the General Orientation conducted by school offices and the echo seminar on “Assessing Students’ Learning Through Performance Task Reflective of the Four Exits of the K-12 Program in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) World” and a workshop on “Building Emotional Resilience Through Self Compassion” and “Facilitating Gen Z: Why Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Matters in the Digital World?”
Ms. Marinell Ocampo, school principal, also gave an echo seminar aptly titled “Finding Happiness in Relationships.”
Intensive preparations in other aspects of delivering education and formation will be done in the week to come as Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos is set to begin Academic Year 2023-2024 on August 7.

Together. During the Beat the Clock challenges, Thomasian faculty and staff learn the value of working together to overcome the difficult tasks.

Creativity Matters. Teachers also learn to create new ways of achieving goals. Mr. Rhel Baynosa and Mr. Robit Cuevas team up to finish the third challenge station.

Enhancing Strengths. Teambangan wins First Prize in Cheerleading as Ms. Excel Lico-an is the chief choreographer. Ms. Lico-an has orchestrated several performances of CST-R’s Hudyaka Performing Arts Dance Group.

A Winning Form. Ms. Maureen dela Torre coaches her teammates during the transit from one challenge to the next onboard a modified “karang” or stilt.

Left, Right, Left, Right! Together players travel from point A to B taking steps in unison while bearing their team banner. Here new college associate registrar Ms. Jobelle Espenilla is with Ms. Maria Cindy Gabutas, Quality Assurance Officer, and Ms. Marissa Sojoco, Filipino teacher.

Women’s World Cup Blindfolded Edition. Teachers device techniques of scoring goals even when they cannot even see the ball nor the goal.

Work-Life Balance? Balance the Tetra Blocks first. Employing critical thinking and analysis skills, teachers work against the clock balancing small and light blocks.

Chill. There is zero pressure for players who are only waiting for their turn at the fourth challenge station. Ms. Jhenneath Broce and Ms. Dianne Bolanio are simply laughing the pressure away.