Prior General Visits Recoletos de San Carlos, Celebrates Thomasian Fiesta

“Why do we bother so much when the Lord forgives the sinners?
Rev. Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, OAR, Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, reflected on the Gospel according to St. Luke during his first homily with the community of Recollects in San Carlos City.
Fr. Hernandez was the main presider of the Holy Mass today, October 11, 2023, in Sto. Tomas de Villanueva-Recoletos Chapel. The Prior General of the Order is on a two-month fraternal visit in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno that includes the Philippines, Indonesia, Saipan and Vietnam.

Celebrating the Sto. Tomas Fiesta
On October 10, Fr. Hernandez joined the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Thomas of Villanova, the Patron Saint of Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos and of his mother province. Thomasians, cheering and waving yellow and white flags despite the rain, welcomed the Prior General, Rev. Fr. Luciano Audisio, OAR, the General Secretary, and Rev. Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, OAR, who served as interpreter.
Rev. Fr. Cristopher Maspara, OAR, President of CST-R and prior of the community, introduced Fr. Hernandez highlighting how he and all the Thomasians were grateful for having experienced an historic event of celebrating the fiesta with the Prior General.
Most. Rev. Gerardo Alminaza, DD, Bishop of the Diocese of San Carlos, also welcomed the leader of the OAR who came from Rome. Bishop Alminaza was with Fr. Alwen Jimenez, Msgr. Erwin Magnanao, Parochial Vicar of the San Carlos Borromeo Cathedral, and the rest of the priests of the diocese.
Just before the festive community dinner, Thomasian students and teachers performed traditional dances and songs and presented a video of the highlights of the feast day activities.

Visiting the Augustinian Recollect Sisters
Fr. Hernandez also visited the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of Colegio de Sta. Rita.
Sr. Ma. Marcela Dela Cruz, AR, directress of the AR community of CSR, led her pupils in a choral rendition of welcome songs for Fr. Hernandez and Fr. Audisio. The Prior General responded with an inspiring message to the Ritarian community particularly inspiring the teachers to remain faithful and steadfast in their vocation of educating and forming the young.
He also analogized that being a teacher is a spiritual and life-long vocation just like priesthood.
To the pupils and teenage students, Fr. Hernandez reminded that “You are the future of the Philippines” thus make the most of the opportunity to learn and to develop as good citizens.
Then, Sr. Cleofe Maria Agua, AR, general councilor of the congregation, showed the visiting friars the recovered sacred objects from the St. Rita Chapel that was razed by fire last August 14.
Fr. Hernandez and Fr. Audisio then visited the now abandoned CSR main campus as the AR sisters shared how they are delivering learning despite their meager resources and classroom spaces at the second campus.

The Negros Island Round-Up

The Prior General also took the time to see Monteagudo-Recoletos where he witnessed the panoramic view of San Carlos City from high up and appreciated the handiwork and sacred collection of the late Rev. Fr. Rafael Cabarles, OAR.
The visiting prelates then proceeded to the communities in Tambo, Ayungon, and in Valencia, Negros Oriental.