Prior General visits USJ-R

CEBU CITY -The University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R) community gathered to welcome the Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR), Fray Miguel Angel Hernandez Dominguez, in his highly anticipated campus visit at the Center for Performing Arts (CfPA), Thursday morning, October 5.
Dominguez delivered an inspiring message, emphasizing the importance of compassion towards every individual and igniting the zealous heart of Agustinos Recoletos.

“Since we are all part of the body of Christ, we are all important and each of us has its own mission. We cannot just say to a person that he cannot be used, because we are all important,” he said.
Moreover, as part of the celebration of World Teachers’ Day, he encouraged the faculty members to teach with love, drawing inspiration from how Jesus Christ imparted his teachings.
“The professors are the priests of college…like a pastor leads the flock towards the source of water or the green pastures, that is the role of the shepherd. That is why the work of the professors is crucial like a priest,” Dominguez said.
The Prior General told the Josenian educators that they are not merely “teachers,” but “shepherds” who lead the students to the green pastures of success.
The event concluded with a closing remark speech by Rev. Fr. Leander V. Barrot, OAR, Secretariat of Spirituality as he recapped Fray Dominguez’ speech.

Photos: Gabrielle Marie Paradiang