Recoletos School of Theology welcomes Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects

MIRA NILA, Quezon City– Students of Recoletos School of Theology welcome Fray Miguel Angel Hernandez Dominguez, OAR, Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and Fray Luciano Matias, OAR, General Secretary, together with them is Fr. Rene Paglinawan, OAR, the official translator, last October 24, 2023.

Father Miguel and his companions arrived at exactly 8:30 in the morning and they were received with a warm welcome by the community. The OAR Coristas also sang “Ved Que Dulzura” as a gesture of appreciation for the gift of community life in the presence of the Prior General.

Afterwards, the Prior General had an audience with the School Board and all the students of Recoletos School of Theology. In his message, Father Miguel expressed his appreciation of the presence of different congregations and dioceses who studied in RST.

In line with that, Father Miguel also entertained questions which raised by Recollect seminarians and other students. It was a very meaningful experience for the students as they were able to raise their personal concerns and curiosity to the Prior General.
After the encounter with the Students, Father Miguel met the staff and personnel of the Our Lady Consolation Parish.