7th Day of Simbang Gabi (December 22, 2023)

Praise and Thanksgiving for God’s Gifts through Mary
- Introduction
I have a personal story to tell. As a religious priest who has solemnly professed the vow of chastity, I have no children of my own. However, God has blessed me with a handsome nephew and 5 beautiful nieces. I have always been grateful to God for these lovely persons, and I always express how I cherish and appreciate them every day.
My niece, Mikhaella (when she was 4) is a very good singer, and every time I compliment her: “Mikhaella, you sing so beautifully.” She would answer spontaneously: “Tito Father, I sing so beautifully because GOD MADE ME.” I also appreciate my niece, Thea Ezekielle (now 4 years old), who loves to dance, and I ask her: “Eze (EZ), why do you dance so gracefully?” And she readily responds: “Tito Father, I dance so gracefully because GOD MADE ME.”
It is very peculiar that every time I expressed appreciation for my nephew and nieces, I always get this constant refrain: “I am pretty …, I do well in school, I play the piano well …, I win the swimming contest …, etc., BECAUSE GOD MADE ME.” Their parents must have catechized and taught them well to be always grateful and to give back all the praises and thanks to God.
On this 7th day of Simbang Gabi or Aguinaldo Mass, we remember to thank God for all His graces and blessings to us: whether these gifts may be material (money, clothes, food), or spiritual (hope, peace, joy, love, forgiveness), or the gift of persons (children, family and friends), we have to ultimately give praise and thanks to God, for He is the source of all graces.
The Blessed Mother in the Gospel today, prayed or sang her beautiful song, the MAGNIFICAT. After having conceived Jesus in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit… and after she visited her cousin St. Elizabeth who was pregnant with St. John the Baptist, Elizabeth extolled her: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The Blessed Mother responded by giving praises to God: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior … the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name…”
Our Blessed Mother while humbly receiving the compliments given to her, has returned and re-directed all the praises back to God. She magnified God with her beautiful song, giving all the praises and thanks to God.
This holy season, we have received many gifts and graces from God. “Everything is grace.” May we ever remain grateful for all these material and spiritual gifts and most especially the gift of persons in our lives.
In the First Reading, Hanna received the gift of a son, Samuel. Elizabeth received the gift of a son, John the Baptist and the Blessed Mother received the gift of a Son, Jesus. And through her we received the Savior of the world, who is the long-awaited Messiah promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his children forever.
Jesus is the greatest Gift we have received. In the Eucharistic celebration, we are again reminded: “This is my Body, which will be given up for you… This is the chalice of my blood … which will be poured out for you …”
May we always remain grateful to God. May we give Him back all the praises and thanksgiving. And like the Blessed Mother who carried Jesus in her womb, let us keep Jesus in the tabernacle of our hearts, so that we may always share this most precious GIFT to our brothers and sisters. Amen.