USJ-R holds blessing for Mobile Bath Station

The University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R), through the Center for Recollect Community Engagement and Social Involvement (CRCESI), and in partnership with ARCORES, celebrated a moment of grace as we blessed our USJ-R Mobile Bath Station last March 16, 2024 with Rev. Fr. Eduardo S. Celiz, Jr., OAR., presiding. This symbolizing our dedication to providing dignity and hygiene for all.
The USJ-R Mobile Bath Station gives a refreshing and caring experience to 57 “Paglaum sa mga Bata sa Carbon” beneficiaries, each of whom received one towel, body wash, shampoo and snacks. They used free bath station where every child can feel refreshed and cared for.
This activity was successfully carried out in collaboration with the Property Administrator’s Office, Campus Planning and Basak Maintenance personnel, SED and SBM Batch 2017, Mr. Lito Tarega (Sticker), ETEEAP (Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program), CWTS (Civil Welfare Training Service), SAMS (School of Allied Medical Sciences), and SPDC (Student Development and Placement Center)
“Their smiles mirror the promise of cleanliness, comfort, and endless possibilities ahead.”