11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
•June 16, 2024

Gospel Bullet Points (Mark 4: 26-34)
- Jesus uses simple and little things to explain the meaning and significance of the kingdom/reign of God. In the first parable, the kingdom of God is compared to seeds that a man plants. The seeds’ growth depends not on the man who sowed them but on the soil where they were sown (Vs.26-29).
- In the second parable, the reign of God is also presented as the smallest of all seeds but grows so large a tree that birds can build their nests in its branches (V 21).
- The parables should remind us that the fulfillment of the kingdom or reign of God both within us and in the world is more of God’s work than ours. The fulfillment of the reign of God, including all human fulfillments, comes not through our plans and efforts. Its realization will come only with Jesus.
- Our response to the reign of God is to do our utmost to prepare for its coming in the way we must live in all the circumstances of our lives. We are mere farmers who prepare the soil for the sowing. The growth and the fruits are the works of God.
- When things do not turn out as we have planned and worked to achieve fulfillment–human fulfillment included, let us not be discouraged and lose hope. Let us allow the will of God, purpose, and power to prevail at all times.