12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
•June 22, 2024

Gospel Bullet Points (Mark 4:35-41)
- Jesus and his disciples were on a boat as they crossed to the other side of the lake. While a huge storm was rising, Jesus was in the back asleep. The big waves alarmed the disciples, so they woke Jesus. At that point, Jesus, with a command, calmed the violence of the wind and the waves. He then asked them whether they had yet attained faith in Him and His faithfulness to them.
- The significance is obvious: In the hour of the disciples’ need, Jesus came to them. There are moments when life is a desperate struggle with ourselves, our circumstances, our temptations, and our sorrows. Precisely, these are the moments when Jesus comes to help and save us.
- At such times, we need not struggle alone, for Jesus comes to us, especially during the storms in our lives.
- As we celebrate this Sunday’s liturgy, let us reflect on the following: How much faith do I have in the Lord? What are/were the storms in my life? Amid all storms in life, do I remain loyal to the Lord?
- NATUTULOG BA ANG DIYOS? Never! Sometimes, in times of trouble, Christ pretends just to be sleeping. But He is always with us, especially in moments of need.