15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
•July 13, 2024

Gospel Bullet Points (Mark 6:7-13)
- Jesus gives the apostles these last-minute instructions before sending them on a mission: Take nothing for the journey except for a staff. There is no need to bring food, bags, or money in their belts. Wear sandals, but do not bring an extra tunic. Such instructions may sound impractical and unrealistic, but they have the symbolic meaning of trusting in the Lord.
- Travel light and be free. When we get tied down, when we get too attached to material things or persons, then we are no longer free. Even our movements are limited. But more than external freedom, we must guard against being trapped within, by prisons, we have made. As far as possible, and no matter what, we must stay loose and stay free so we can get going on our way. Focus on the provisions along the way, and then you lose your direction and mission.
- One must learn to follow instructions to be true to Jesus’ vision and mission. When we stop listening to the Eternal Coach, and when we insist on our play and forget His game plan, then we are bound to fail and go astray. Obedience to the Sender is an authentic mark of one who takes earnestly the mission of Jesus. We must not put our agenda and personal ambition over and above His agenda.