16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
•July 18, 2024

Gospel Bullet Points (Mark 6:30-34)
July 21, 2024
- The disciples had just returned after doing the Lord’s work—healing and caring for the sick. They had hundreds, maybe thousands of people, gathering around them, wanting to hear about the Kingdom of God. They were so busy that they did not even have time to eat. Jesus was aware that they were so tired. Jesus told them what is needed. He invites them to come to a deserted place and rest with him. They need to unwind and de-stress.
- Our world is too busy, and we live in a very noisy milieu. People’s lives are too busy. And many are not that different from the first disciples. Everyone seems so busy (or just acting like busybodies to impress others)—too busy to have time with the Lord. But all of us can find ways to be in silence and tune with the Lord amid a busy and noisy world. Take extra time for prayer. Take time to rest in the Lord. Have a quiet time with Him.
- The invitation of the Lord remains: “Come and enter into the quiet and rest with me.” Will you joyfully accept that invitation?