Encuentro de Formadores 2024


Last July 15-20, 2024, three friars represented the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno at the “Encuentro de Formadores de la Orden” (Encounter of Formators of the Order) held in Bogotá, Colombia. They were Frays Kenneth Joseph L. Onda OAR, Bob T. Cabanag, OAR and Jhoben M. Rodriguez, OAR.

The theme of the encounter of formators was “Acompañar el camino del Regreso al Corazon.” (To accompany the road back to the heart)

During the days of the encounter, the different provinces described the realities present in their respective processes of formation. A proposed plan of formation was also presented and discussed. This new document aims at updating the current one to be more responsive to emerging challenges in formation and is aligned with the Charismatic Identity of the OAR.

“The Encuentro de Formadores 2024” taught me that accompaniment plays a key role in the formation of future religious and priests. Formators must accompany the formands in the way Jesus accompanied his apostles. Formands must be molded out of love and not fear. Most of all, formators should accompany each other and ultimately be accompanied by Christ himself who is the Good Shepherd, said Fray Bob, OAR.

During one of the sharings a friar said: “Formators are supposed to be formed; those who accompany should also be accompanied.”

Finally, a priest from Mexico Fr. Daniel Portillo discussed the dynamics of motivation, accompaniment and guidelines in the process of evaluation of the Formands.

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Fray Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR

Fray Jhoben Rodriguez, OAR

Religious of the Order of Augustinian Recollects in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.