17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

bread 3

Gospel Bullet Points (John 6:1-15)

  • The disciples asked Jesus to dismiss the hungry crowd so they could go to a nearby town and buy themselves something to eat. But Jesus tells them: You take care of that yourself; give them something to eat!
  • We are told that there was a boy in the crowd who brought a lunch pack (baon) with five barley loaves and two fish (John 6:9). Jesus used this to solve the problem. Notice that the little boy was generous enough to give up his lunch pack baon. With what the boy possessed. Jesus fed thousands of hungry people.
  • The message of the Lord is clear: We must contribute something so that the miracle may happen. In the gospel, he tells us that the LITTLE WE can DO IS MULTIPLIED by God’s grace in a way that becomes more than sufficient for the need.
  • What prevents us from taking POSITIVE ACTION is that we feel we have so little to give, and any contribution we make will not make a difference. But what the Lord asks from us is our generosity—to share the limited talents, time, and resources that we have.
  • The Lord is waiting for men and women who can give up generously their lunch pack – their five loaves and two fish for the miracle to happen again. Will you offer whatever you can so that the miracle can happen again?

Fray Onz Antonio, OAR

Fray Onz Antonio, OAR

Priest/Religious of the Order of Augustinian Recollects in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.