Our Lady of Antipolo and the Augustinian Recollects: Reunited after more than a Hundred Years

Viva la Virgen!
These joyful greetings from the whole community of Saint Ezekiel Moreno Novitiate-Recoletos (SEMONORE) warmly welcomed the arrival of the pilgrim image of the Our Lady of Antipolo with the title, Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage).
Marked as a very memorable and historical event, the Recollect community of Antipolo, led by Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, Community Prior, Fray Joseph Cyprian J. Panaligan, OAR, Community Procurator, Fray Rommel Rubia, OAR, Novice Director, and Fray Arian Josef Ocheda, OAR, Pre-Novice Director, conducted various activities throughout the whole stay of the Our Lady of Antipolo from August 3-4, 2024. Augustinian Recollects were the former caretakers of the image way back 1863 and so, the Recollect community of Antipolo made their reunion meaningful and fruitful through the activities set which they hoped to be a way of evangelization and propagation of the devotion to the Blessed Mother.
A Festive Welcome
Accompanied by Samahang Tanglaw, the persons-in-charge from the Antipolo Cathedral, the image of Our Lady of Antipolo arrived at SEMONORE at 9:00 in the morning. They were led by the Rector of the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Rev. Fr. Reynante Tolentino. Upon the arrival, Marian songs as well as those that are dedicated to Our Lady of Antipolo were played by the accompanying Antipolo City Government Band. They were followed by the altar servers, the image of Our Lady of Antipolo, the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity (SARF) Members of the Antipolo Chapter, religious nuns, parishioners, and devotees.
From the St. Ezekiel Street, procession happened going to SEMONORE. Meanwhile, before entering the gate, the image was accompanied by the members of the Recollect Augustinian Youth – Antipolo Chapter (RAYAC) who, with their native costumes, greeted Our Lady with their sweet and joyful “Viva la Virgen!” cheers while dancing to the beat of the song Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje. Petals of flowers showered down from above the hall of the seminary facade. Finally, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, Community Prior, led the prayers for the enthronement of the image of Our Lady of Antipolo.

A Blessing from Above
Votive Mass in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the title, Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje was celebrated by the congregation at 10:00 AM. It was presided by Rev. Fr. Reynante Tolentino, Rector of the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. The Augustinian Recollect Friars concelebrated in the said Eucharistic celebration.
In his homily, Fr. Tolentino considered the gathering as a blessing. Just as how the Blessed Mother goes down from the Shrine, so as the blessings of God also go down to the people. He did not discount the role of the Recollects in the history of Our Lady of Antipolo. In fact, he said, “The Virgin was with the Recollect priests and seminarians from 1863-1898 and now, the scenario has repeated itself!” Just as how the Virgin has looked over the Recollects in the past and up to now, the same happens to those who have experiences of Our Lady of Antipolo – that she, like a mother, always accompanies and guides everyone to Jesus Christ. After having declared the place as the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Fr. Tolentino reminded how blessed the place was that is why people keep going back: “Antipolo is where the love of God is through the International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. We feel the love of God that’s why we keep going back.” However, he reminded the people that the devotion must not end only with the Blessed Mother but must lead them to Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd and Savior.
Fray Rommel Rubia, OAR, expressed his thanks to Fr. Tolentino and to all who participated in the religious activity. According to him, this way of reuniting once again with the Our Lady of Antipolo through the various activities is the community’s way of thanking God by the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno; a way of asking the Blessed Virgin Mary that they will be placed under the mantle of her maternal protection as they prepare for the Feast of St. Ezekiel Moreno, and a way of placing all the activities of SEMONORE to be successful under her guidance.
After the Eucharistic celebration, agape lunch for the whole community followed.

Songs of Praise
Rosario Cantada (or Sung Rosary) was offered by the community to Our Lady of Antipolo at 2:30 PM inside the chapel. Representatives from the Pre-Novices, Novices, RAYAC, SARF, and lay people were chosen as leaders of the said prayer service. What made it more special was the participation of the Angono Wind Ensemble who provided everyone with the lively songs of praise in Honor of the Our Lady of Antipolo in between each mystery of the Holy Rosary. With songs of praise in their hearts, faithful people carried their own petitions and asked the intercession of the Virgin of Antipolo.
Hindi Lang sa Kasaysayan Kundi sa Kasalukuyan
At 4:00-5:00 PM, a very insightful conference on the role of Augustinian Recollects in the history of Our Lady of Antipolo was provided by the very competent speaker, the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno’s renowned historian, Fray Emil Quilatan, OAR.
Fray Quilatan began by answering the question, Why the Recollects were in Antipolo?
From the evangelization of the Recollects, along with the Jesuit missionaries, in Mindanao in 1621 which became an issue when Queen Isabel II asked the Recollects to give back the mission areas to the Jesuits, to the Royal decrees issued by the Queen that the Recollects be given the vacant parishes in the Archdiocese of Manila, the Recollects found their place in Antipolo when the then Prior Provincial of the Recollects was ordered by the Governor General through the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Manila. It was in 1863 when the first Recollect Parish priest took over Antipolo.
Fray Quilatan, then, shared photos and achievements of succeeding Recollect priests of Antipolo until the year 1898.
“Áng ugnayan ng mga Recoleto at ng Birhen ng Antipolo ay hindi lamang sa kasaysayan kundi hanggang sa kasalukuyan.” Having said this, Fray Quilatan shared how the OAR Constitution and Additional Codes has put special place on being “Marian” as the fourth charism of the Order: “a model of following the evangelical vows, of interior life, of forming community that is the Holy Family, and a mother of apostolic life who continues to shelter them (religious) with motherly care until Christ is formed in them.” (OAR Constitution and Additional Codes, Article 5, n. 29.)
Recollects were really blessed that finally, for the very first time after more than a hundred years, the Virgin of Antipolo and the Recollects were reunited once again. With the accompanying prayer of thanks, the Recollect community of Antipolo bid their farewell to the Virgin of Antipolo right after the Sunday Mass held at St. Ezekiel Moreno Chapel.