New strength for the Cuban missionary community

The Augustinian Recollects arrived in the Diocese of Holguin on February 17, 2018. From the first moment, it was configured as an interprovincial and international community through which several groups of religious have already passed. The current community comprises Fr. Joseph Shonibare (England), Br. Julian Vallejos (Peru), Br. Marco Marte (Dominican Republic) and the recent incorporation of Fr. Jhoben Rodriguez, a young Filipino priest from the Indonesian mission.

“As an Augustinian Recollect, I can affirm that, among all the missions of the Order, this is the hardest in many aspects”. These are the words of Fr. Ismael Xuruc, General Councilor responsible for the missionary apostolate in the Order.
“I can affirm that, among all the missions that the Order has, this is the hardest in many aspects.” (Fr. Ismael Xuruc)
The integration of Fr. Jhoben was quick. The day after his arrival, he visited the parishes of Báguanos and Tacajó, where he was received with great enthusiasm by the parishioners.

During these meetings, Fr. Jhoben expressed that he felt “great joy to be among them and his commitment to serve with his new brothers in the community”. Fr. Jhoben Ha took over from Friar Keneth Pahamutang, who returned to the Philippines in early December 2023 to continue his mission in his home province. Keneth Pahamutang, returned to the Philippines in early December 2023 to continue his mission in his home province.
The pastoral work of the religious in Cuba is very intense, the distances between the different ministries are great and the difficulties of mobility always make the displacements more complex for the attention of the parochial ministries. Monsignor Emilio Aranguren, bishop of this diocese and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, points out that

“The Church in Cuba lives a bloodless martyrdom. Because many times, the laity, much to their regret, must stop congregating in their communities or attending a formation or meeting since they must take advantage of the only opportunities that arise to meet or “solve” some of their needs. This day-to-day dynamic, which has persisted for more than 60 years, has impacted the anthropology of the Cubans.
Even so, I have to say that they have been able to keep their faith and hope, and they feel accompanied by God. That is why, when someone from outside comes to stay and be with them, they are filled with joy and gratitude. That is the fundamental mission of the Augustinian Recollects in the parishes they serve.”
“When someone from outside comes to stay and be with them, they are filled with joy and gratitude. That is the fundamental mission of the Augustinian Recollects in the parishes they serve.” (Bishop Emilio Aranguren)
Fr. Jhoben, the new addition to the Cuba mission, enthusiastically accepted the challenge of moving to Cuba, motivated by a deep passion for the mission, after receiving the proposal of the Prior General and his Provincial.

To prepare for his new assignment, he spent three months in Colombia studying the Spanish language. His arrival in Cuba marks an important milestone, as he is the third Filipino to join this mission in recent years.
For the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, the presence in Cuba is very significant, especially after the experience of Fr. Joel Naranja, who dedicated his life to this mission and passed away on August 8, 2021 due to COVID-19.
The Church in Cuba, despite the social difficulties, is alive and organized, and the laity makes the effort to collaborate significantly in the evangelizing mission. The mission of the Augustinian Recollects is developed in an extensive rural area of the diocese of Holguin which has been complex to attend up to now from the diocesan clergy. The presence of the Order in this area is very significant in a country where more than half of the inhabitants are baptized, but only three percent are practicing.

“Cuba’s mission is the one that can offer the least satisfaction in terms of visible achievements, especially when compared to other missions,” confirms Fr. Ismael Xuruc, who was part of the first community in Holguin from 2018 to 2022.
“Rather, as the Gospel says many times about the Kingdom of God, it is comparable to a mustard seed, a little leaven, or a hidden treasure. Here it is not a question of understanding everything in order to be able to act; if you try, you waste your time. The question is to arrive convinced of who one is, of the richness of the charism, and of all that one has received from God, and, like the little boy who comes to Jesus to offer him his five loaves and two fish, the Augustinian Recollect religious must be ready to offer, however small it may seem, his own life. If he does so, as I myself have experienced, it is certain that God will do the rest. Lives, moments, experiences, prayers, dialogues, cries, sufferings, illnesses, lack, and celebrations are filled and illuminated with moments of joy, hope, and life of God and in God.”
“I pray to God to allow this leaven, this seed and smallness of the Cuban Church to continue transforming lives, as is already happening, and to contribute to the creation of a renewed society full of values that favor a more dignified life for all.” (Fr. Ismael Xuruc)