Prior Provincial: With the Holy Spirit, we have all that we need

“With the Holy Spirit, we have all that we need to grow and be fruitful,” assures Fr. Bernard C. Amparado, OAR, in his sermon during the Mass of the Holy Spirit of Recoletos School of Theology, last August 16, 2024, at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish.
The Prior Provincial admits that studying theology poses many challenges that may cause “stress” and “shock,” and one needs the Holy Spirit to “appease and assure.”
“It is the Holy Spirit who will make us discover the resources God has given us, and He will let us see the unique gifts we already have received,” he said.
Fr. Amparado emphasized the importance of the Holy Spirit Mass which has been a tradition in Catholic Church Universities and Institutions since the 12th Century.

“It is in this liturgy that we grab the opportunity to reflect on our common dream and shared aspirations… We want to ask God for the gifts to live, to study, to work, and celebrate life together,” he said.
The professors present in the celebration made their profession Fidei before the altar.
Before the final blessing, Rev. Fr. Anthony Ian Espartero, OAR, Dean of Studies, expressed his gratitude to the professors who always say “yes” to his invitation with matters regarding the school.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit officially starts the Academic Year 2024-2025 at Recoletos School of Theology.
This school year, RST welcomes 56 new students with 46 students enrolled in the Ecclesiastical Baccalaureate Degree in Sacred Theology, and 10 students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Theology.

School Orientation and RST Student Forum Election
After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, everyone witnessed the blessing of Aula Cassiacum near the seminary basketball court, led by the Prior Provincial.
Aula Cassiciacumis a newly built gazebo gifted by the Our Lady of Consolation Parish to the RST.
On the same day, Rev. Fr. Mark Rochelle Renacia, OAR, RST President gave the Orientation to the students whose talk focused on the school’s Mission and Vision.
Other speakers of the Orientation are as follows, Rev. Fr. Jorr Rabacal, OAR on Finance; Ms. Apollonia de la Cruz on Research and Publication Office; Ms. Reggie Daguioan on Library and its usage; and Mr. Kristofer Carlo Sta. Ana on the registrar’s office and school documents.
The student body also elected the officers for the Recoletos Student Forum 2024-2025 which Fr. Renacia confirmed and accepted after the election.
They are as follows:
President: Fray Katrieno Bennit Jorda, OSA
Vice President Internal: Fray Jestoni Latagan, OAR
Vice President External: Fray Arjie Santosidad, OSA
Secretary: Bro. Jeros Amparo, CMPB
Treasurer: Sem. Jairus Altares