Reawakening and Reinvigorating the Mission Spirit

ANTIPOLO CITY, RIZAL – All roads led to Saint Ezekiel Moreno Novitiate – Recoletos (SEMONORE) as people from various walks of life celebrated with the community the Feast of its Patron Saint, Ezekiel Moreno, on August 19, 2024, with His Eminence, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle as the Mass Presider and homilist, concelebrated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Antipolo, Most Rev. Ruperto Santos, DD, the Prior Provincial of the Province of St Ezekiel Moreno, Rev. Fr. Bernard C. Amparado, OAR, as well as religious and diocesan clergy.
The solemnity coincided with the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Province as well as the elevation of St. Ezekiel Moreno from an Optional Memorial to an Obligatory Memorial. This big celebration which also served as a blessing to the SEMONORE Community was spearheaded by Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, Community Prior, Fray Joseph Cyprian J. Panaligan, OAR, Procurator, Fray Rommel Rubia, OAR, Novice Director, and Fray Arian Josef Ocheda, OAR, Pro-Novice Master. Novices, Pre-Novices, SARF, RAY, CARAS, seminary personnel, benefactors, and sponsors also participated in the preparations.
Prior to the said Feast Day, a nine-day Novena Mass, which started from August 10-18, 2024, was also held in preparation for the said event. It was well-attended by people from different places. Presiders of the said Novena Masses included Rev. Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, Rev. Fr. Ian Anthony Espartero, OAR, Rev. Fr. Regie Malicdem, Rev. Fr. Genaro Diwa, Rev. Fr. Jowel Jomarsus Gatus, Rev. Fr. Dave Concepcion, Rev. Fr. Pedrito Noel Rabonza, III, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR, and Bishop Ruperto Santos, DD, who gave their reflection in the life of St. Ezekiel Moreno.

A Foundational and Relational Spirituality
Presiders in all the Novena Masses never forgot to speak of the saintly attributes of St. Ezekiel. As such, they used his life as a model of living out the Gospel proclaimed in each Mass. In particular, their reflections directed the Mass-goers as well as viewers of Facebook Live on one specific point – St. Ezekiel Moreno’s spirituality.
The Spirituality of Saint Ezekiel Moreno, as described by Prof. Emmanuel Luis A. Romanillos, includes the following: the life of intense prayer and contemplation, apostolate and care for those who have less in life, Holy Eucharist, Sacred Heart of Jesus, “Jesus and I” spirituality, and Marian devotion.
St. Ezekiel Moreno’s spirituality is an obvious indication of the charism of the Recollect Order: contemplative (life of intense prayer, Holy Eucharist, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jesus and I spirituality), communitarian, and apostolic (apostolate and care for those who have less in life), and Marian (Devotion to Our Lady of Consolation, Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady of the Way). Such spirituality is a gift to the Order which is worth emulating for the holiness of the members of the Order and most especially, to the Filipinos with whom the saint is closely associated. Such spirituality is what Serafin Prado spoke of as a form of envisioning and living the Christian mystery. In this case, St. Ezekiel Moreno’s spirituality provided a very rich and profound example to follow; a foundational spirituality that constitutes a relational paradigm: a child and Father relationship.
The Grace of God and the Missionary Zeal

His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, in his Gospel reflection, highlighted and stressed the relevance of St. Ezekiel Moreno in the primary role of all baptized Christians. He expressed that “every follower of Christ or baptized Christian is called by his or her baptism or consecration to Jesus Christ to be a missionary.” Hence, he urged the people to take seriously Jesus Christ’s command to go to the whole world and preach the Good News. He stressed this point because accordingly, the “future of the Church depends on the missionary zeal of every baptized.” He also emphasized that missionary zeal has to be always founded on the grace of God. Here, the Cardinal cited the great and noble example of St. Ezekiel Moreno.
His second point was about the role of St. Ezekiel’s cancer in his mission which he acclaimed to be “part and fruit of his mission; a part of being a missionary brought by the love of Jesus Christ which made him ready to face sufferings.”
Finally, he invited everyone not only to St. Ezekiel Moreno those cancer patients but also to the world which is also suffering from cancer.
The Relevance of the Celebration

On the closing day of the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno held on August 20, 2024, at Basilica Minor de San Sebastian in Quiapo Manila, the Prior Provincial, Very Rev. Bernard C. Amparado, OAR, shared how the Augustinian Recollect missions today receive a decline in the missionary spirit due to the decline of the number of priests and the sustainability of the missionary activities. This was one of the concerns raised when he had a meeting with the Prior General of the Order together with the Priors and councilors of the other provinces of the Order.
Looking at the present situation of the missionary dimension of the Order, the relevance of the celebration of the Feast of St. Ezekiel Moreno found its place.
A Call to Reawaken and Reinvigorate
The difficult situation of the Augustinian Recollect missions started to arise. Such was what happened to St. Ezekiel Moreno in his ministry as a parish priest, as a missionary, and as a Bishop. However, he rose above all these adversities because of his foundational spirituality which yielded into a profound relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament that changed his life. His confidence in the presence of Jesus Christ, despite all his sufferings and pains, grew and became his stronghold just as what was written in his coat of arms “Fortitudo mea et refugium meum es tu” (Thou art my refuge and my strength).

Indeed, Saint Ezekiel Moreno’s examples serve as an inspiration to everyone most especially to the Augustinian Recollect missionaries. In his words, the Prior Provincial hoped and prayed that remembering Saint Ezekiel Moreno on his Solemnity, “he may help us reawaken the missionary spirit which exudes from us and reinvigorate our souls in serving and working for God’s Kingdom here on earth.”