32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
•November 9, 2024

Goapel Bullet Points (Mark 12: 38-44)
     We take note of the lessons that we can get from the Gospel reading:
- A first lesson: The amount of the gift never matters so much as its value to the giver, not the size of the gift, but the sacrifice. In the gospel, the poor widow gives everything. She gives her two coins—BUMIGAY NG LUBOS HANGGANG MAUBOS! The gospel says, “Many rich people put in large sums, the poor widow put in two coins. The rich gave from their surplus, the widow gave all she had.” Take note that only giving from poverty got the compliment from Jesus. Giving everything means that our priority is God and that we are attached more to God than to our possessions. The woman might have kept one coin. How could she give what common sense says she could not afford? Did she know with total certainty that God would take care of her needs? No, she gave all she had because she was in love with God.
- Another lesson: trust in God and He will take care of you. After the widow (1st reading: 1 Kings 17:10-16) used all her flour and all her oil to bake a biscuit for the prophet Elijah, never again did her jar of flour get empty, nor did her jug of oil run dry. God provided. This small act of sacrifice, this refusal to be stingy, is rewarded by God.
- Another lesson: don’t be like the Scribes, showing their piety, making certain everyone saw their long prayer, offerings, contribution to the treasury boxes, and fancy robes.
- In short, Jesus teaches us through this Sunday’s readings (1st reading and the Gospel passage, Mk 12: 41-44) lessons in giving, namely, (a) that we need to have no fear in giving because God will provide. (b) Jesus tells us not to be showy, not to give so people will see how much we give. (c) Jesus teaches us to make God our priority. (d) Trust in God and He will take care of you.