Meeting of Formators of the Province: The Conclusion

Mira Nila Homes, Quezon City—Secretariat of Vocation and Initial Formation resumes the second day of the Annual Meeting of Formators at Recoletos Formation Center with the theme, “Redi ad Cor et inde ad Deum: Augustinian Recollect Formative Itinerary.”
The second day of the meeting of formators started with the praying of the Office of the Reading and Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Arian Josef Ocheda, OAR, at St. John Paul II Chapel. The program resumed with the Video Recapitulation of what has transpired on the first day of the meeting. It was followed by a message of Fr. Fabian Martin Gomez, OAR, head of The General Secretariat for Spirituality and Formation.

The second day of the meeting was more on the current situation of the seminary formation in each formation house. Fr. Bob C. Cabanag, OAR, the Prefect of Discipline of Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary, presented the current struggles, challenges, concerns, and suggestions. For the Pre-Novitiate Stage, Fr. Arian Josef Ocheda, OAR, Master of Pre-Novices, presented the dynamics of the program of the pre-novitiate, including the struggles, challenges and proposals for the program. Fr. Rommel Rubia, OAR, Novice Master of St. Ezekiel Moreno – Recoletos, also presented the current situation of the novitiate stage of formation. On the level of the professed stage, Fr. James Castelo, OAR, Master of Professed of Recoletos Formation Center, reiterated to the fathers the result of the mini workshop on the New Plan of Formation which he conducted with the coristas.
After the presentations of each seminary, some formators made the interventions and suggestions that could help improve the implementation of the New Plan of Formation.

The Meeting of Formators 2024 was concluded with the ponencias in line with the proposals on the improvement and effectivity of the Formation Program, and these ponencias will be forwarded to the Pre-Capitular Commission for the Provincial Chapter on 2025. Lastly, the second day program ended with the closing message of Fr. Jospeh Philip Tryavilla, OAR.