Obituary: Sr. Esmeralda Mantalaba, AR

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Sr. Esmeralda, AR was summoned by our Heavenly Father.

Sr. Esmeralda Medado Mantalaba, A.R. passed away at 7:15 A.M. today, July 30, 2019, surrounded by the sisters praying for the eternal repose of her soul.

She was born on March 24, 1944, and 49 of which was spent in Religious life.

Funeral mass is on Thursday, August 1, 2019, at 8:00 A.M. Interment will follow at the La Loma Catholic Cemetery.

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Sr. Rhena Sherra Caranzo, AR

Sr. Rhena Sherra Caranzo, AR

Professed Religious of the Congregation of Augustinian Recollect Sisters