Fr. Ismael Xuruc, OAR, visits Recollect Mission Areas in Mindanao, strengthening faith and community


Fr. Ismael Xuruc, OAR, General Councilor and head of missions for the Augustinian Recollects, recently visited several Recollect mission areas in the Philippines. After a five-day tour of mission sites on the island of Palawan, including Casian, Plaridel, and Inagawan, he traveled to Mindanao on October 12–13 to visit two mission parishes: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Dugmanon, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur, and St. Nicholas Mission Station in Los Arcos, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur.

I. Visit to Recoletos de Dugmanon

Fr. Ismael Xuruc landed at Bancasi Airport in Butuan early on October 12, where he was welcomed by Fr. Jay Parilla, OAR, the local prior, and Fr. Cris Tepace, OAR, the local procurator. He was accompanied by Fr. Albert Pellazar, the former parish administrator of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Dugmanon. After a brief stop for breakfast in Bayugan City, they arrived at Dugmanon around 9:30 AM. Fr. Mark Saludes, the current parish administrator, could not join the visit as he was in Manila for a mission appeal.

Without delay, Fr. Xuruc began a dialogue with the parish’s church leaders and representatives from the 29 chapels under its care. The meeting was held inside the parish church, where Fr. Parilla gave a welcome speech, followed by Fr. Pellazar introducing Fr. Xuruc to the community. Fr. Xuruc, visiting both the mission territory and the country for the first time, spoke in English, with Fr. Pellazar translating into the local dialect for the parishioners.

Engaging the Community
As the head of the mission and ministerial apostolate of the Order, Fr. Xuruc’s visit was initiated by Prior General Fr. Miguel Hernández, OAR, who had visited Mindanao the previous year. Fr. Hernández recommended that Fr. Xuruc see for himself the challenges, joys, and spiritual progress of the missionaries and their communities.

During the dialogue, Fr. Xuruc asked the people about their experiences with the Recollect missionaries, who had been in the area since 2017. One by one, community members shared their gratitude, happiness, and spiritual growth under the care of the Recollects. They described the missionaries as approachable, dedicated, and effective as a team. Many expressed their desire for the Recollects to stay with them permanently, praising their work in reviving the community’s faith and participation in the Church.

Renewed Faith and Commitment
The parishioners noted that since the Recollects established the quasi-parish, many of the faithful had returned to the Church and become more active in their faith. Masses are now celebrated twice a month for larger chapels and once a month for smaller ones, compared to only once a year during the patronal feast in the past. Some community members who had converted to other religions had also returned to Catholicism, and the parish has seen substantial growth thanks to the Recollects’ commitment and sacrifices.

Visits to Remote Chapels
In the afternoon, Fr. Parilla led Fr. Xuruc to two remote chapels in Plateau and Campa, where the people were overjoyed to receive their first visit from a representative of the Order based in Rome. Despite the long and tiring day, Fr. Xuruc was filled with joy and gratitude, witnessing the strong faith of the people and the remarkable growth of the quasi-parish.

His visit affirmed the vital role the Recollect missionaries have played in revitalizing the faith and fostering a spirit of community in these mission areas. The day was a powerful testament to the transformative impact of the Recollect presence in this region of Mindanao.

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Fray Albert Pellazar, OAR

Fray Albert Pellazar, OAR

Ordained priest of the Order of Augustinian Recollects in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.