Pastoral Visit of Bishop Bob John H. Koroma to St. Paul Parish, Kamalo


The St. Paul Parish community in Kamalo joyfully welcomed Most Rev. Bob John H. Koroma, Bishop of the Diocese of Makeni, during his pastoral visit. This significant occasion was marked by two momentous events: the official installation of Rev. Fr. Jhyryx Vincent Gamulo, OAR, as the new parish priest and the administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation to 76 candidates from various outstation communities.

During the solemn Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Koroma formally installed Fr. Gamulo as the shepherd of St. Paul Parish, entrusting him with the spiritual care and pastoral leadership of the faithful. The bishop exhorted the new parish priest to guide his community with faith, dedication, and a heart modeled after Christ, the Good Shepherd.

Following the installation, 76 candidates received the Sacrament of Confirmation, strengthening their commitment to the faith through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The bishop encouraged the newly confirmed to live out their Christian identity with courage and conviction, actively participating in the mission of the Church.

The pastoral visit was a time of renewal and grace for the entire parish community, fostering a deeper sense of unity and commitment to the faith. The presence of Bishop Koroma, along with the participation of the e brothers in the community, and lay faithful, made this event a truly memorable and spiritually enriching celebration.

As St. Paul Parish embarks on this new chapter under the leadership of Fr. Jhyryx Vincent Gamulo, OAR, the community looks forward to continued growth in faith, service, and evangelization.

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Kenneth Caligdong

Kenneth Caligdong