A step forward in creating safe environments for children and vulnerable adults

From February 17-21, the Commission for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults of the Order met at the General Curia in Rome to discuss the advances and challenges in creating safe environments in the Augustinian Recollect Family. On this occasion, the meeting was attended by almost all the members of the Commission: the Prior General Fr. Miguel Ángel Hernández; Fr. Miguel Miró, former Prior General, currently in Mexico; Fr. Daniel Medina (Argentina); Fr. Gustavo Camarena (Mexico); Carmen Montejo (Spain); Fr. Arnel Diaz (Philippines); Fr. Freddy Daza (Italy).
Review and update of documents
During the meeting, documents, protocols, and strategies to protect minors and vulnerable adults were reviewed and updated. Fr. Gustavo Camarena stressed the need to broaden the concept of safe environments beyond child protection, also addressing adult relationships within the church community:
“We can’t just stop at the protection of minors, which is already a lot, but we must also consider the prevention of abuse in the treatment of adults.”
Fr. Arnel Diaz, for his part, highlighted the seriousness with which the Order is approaching the protection of minors and vulnerable adults, assuring that the revision of documents and protocols is fundamental to guarantee their efficacy and relevance. He also highlighted the importance of addressing issues related to the power and authority of priests in their apostolates, as well as their spiritual formation and relationship with temporal goods. Diaz also reflected on the Philippine context, noting that while the Church in his country remains conservative, efforts are being made to promote transparency and support for victims of abuse.
Not only minors but also adults
Carmen Montejo stressed the importance of including abuse of conscience, abuse of authority, and spiritual abuse in prevention strategies:
“This meeting confirms that the Order is aligned with the thinking of the Church in creating safe environments in all its apostolates.”

The development of online and face-to-face training in safe environments was also evaluated. Montejo explained that three courses have been carried out: an introductory course for educators, pastoral agents, and volunteers; a second, more in-depth course on pastoral environments; and a third, currently underway, aimed at contemplative nuns of the Order.
Presence of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.
A highlight of the meeting was the presence of Msgr. Luis Manuel Alí, secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. In his intervention, he shared the current activities and challenges they are working with and presented the “Universal Framework for Guidelines” document, which is scheduled to be officially presented by the end of 2025. This document includes ten guidelines focused on: 1) Commitment at the leadership and church culture level; 2) Safe church environments; 3) Engagement with survivors, families, and communities; 4) Response and management of complaints and allegations; 5) Cultural sensitivity; 6) Policies and procedures that support the safety of children and adults; 7) Personnel management; 8) Continuing education and training; 9) Informed and empowered people; 10) Continuous improvement. Each of these guidelines is accompanied by criteria and indicators for their evaluation, which allows for monitoring the measures being implemented in the various contexts. In addition, a glossary of terms has been added to help clarify concepts and visualize the Commission’s objectives.

Criteria for victim reparations and ethical channel
For his part, Fr. Miguel Miró emphasized the importance of specifying criteria for reparations to victims and the implementation of an ethical channel for receiving suggestions, proposals, and complaints about conduct within the Order. The aim is to facilitate the communication of incidents to all those who find it difficult to do so in person. The objective of this new communication channel will also be to ensure that the notifications received through this channel receive the same attention and response.
Six years after the creation of the Commission, this meeting has meant a significant step in the consolidation of a culture of prevention and protection within the Order, reaffirming its commitment to the creation of safe spaces and the accompaniment of victims. The Commission will continue to develop strategies to strengthen formation, awareness, and effective response to the challenges of protecting minors and vulnerable adults in the current ecclesial context. In the words of Fr. Miguel Miró:
“Difficulties are not to run away from them, but to face them and turn them into opportunities to better carry out the evangelizing mission.”