33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
15 November 2015
Reflection: The readings this Sunday invites us to be attentive to the signs of the times. The Lord Jesus invites us to be vigilant and be prepared to give an account of our lives. We are so immersed nowadays to many things that hinder us from perceiving God’s presence and sometimes we end up blaming God for all the disasters that happen to us. We also think that these disasters are punishments of God for our offenses.
My dear friends, Jesus invites us to see beyond all these tragedies of life. He invites us to conversion, to renew our minds and see that the will of the Father is not the death of His people rather, that we may return to Him in humility.
Let us therefore turn to Jesus in humility. He is our High Priest who offered Himself as sacrificial victim for our redemption. Let us take courage from Him, that we have a Mediator between us and the Father, so we should not be afraid of what is to come, because He has made us His brothers and sisters. Let us not despair about the tragedies of life, they are part of a broken nature, but we should stand firm because we are not alone in this journey, Christ is with us. He understands our weakness that is why He promised to be with us until the end of time.