Josenian educator tops August 2019 guidance counselor exam, gets third PRC license

CEBU CITY–Josenian educator Edgar Lucero Beronque landed on the fifth spot of the August 2019 Registered Guidance Counselor (RGC) Licensure Examination. His rating is 88.55%. He is the only taker from a Cebu-based school who secured a slot in the top ten list. Aside from being a licensed guidance counselor, Beronque is also a licensed psychometrician and…

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Fr. Greg at 73: “It is God’s gift to be old!”

BAGUIO CITY–Seminarian-favorite Fr. Federico Gregorio, OAR celebrates his 73rd birthday last September 2, 2019 and imparted nuggets of wisdom about gracefully growing old to the congregation during the 6:15 AM mass. Fr. Gregorio — fondly called Fr. Greg by seminarians — is the seminary’s director of Human Formation Program, the one seminarians talked to about…

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In Pictures: USJR-Balamban celebrates 11th Founding Anniversary and Sports Fest 2019

Balamban, CEBU–USJR-Balamban celebrates today, September 4, 2019, the 11th founding anniversary and sport festival 2019. The opening Mass was presided by the new School Director, Fray Eduardo Celiz, Jr., OAR, and 10 other Recollect Priests. This founding anniversary was specially graced by the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR. The Augustinian Recollect Family was…

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Fr. Bob celebrates 10th sacerdotal anniversary

BAGUIO CITY — The Prefect of Discipline of Senior High School seminarians reached a milestone in his priestly life last August 27, 2019. Fr. Bob Cabanag, OAR was joined by the Recoletos de Baguio community and his family members as he celebrated his 10th sacerdotal anniversary on the feast of Sta. Monica, the mother of…

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Recollect healing priest: “Jesus does the healing, not me”

BAGUIO CITY–A Recollect priest who is gifted with the grace of healing visited the Recoletos de Baguio community and officiated a healing mass last August 19, 2019. Fr. Nelson Plohimon, OAR, who is currently assigned as parochial vicar of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Recoletos in Cebu City, laid his hands on massgoers after…

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Negros Cluster meets for “Maximum Illud” Conference

Bacolod City, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL–The Recoletos communities in Negros Island met last August 27, the feast of St. Monica, at the UNO-R President’s Hall to discuss Pope Benedict XV’s 1919 Apostolic letter “Maximum Illud”. Fray Allan Jacinto, OAR discussed the Pastoral and Ecclesial considerations of the Apostolic Letter. Fray Emilio E.A. Quilatan, OAR discussed the historical…

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UNO-R celebrates Solemnity of St. Augustine

Bacolod City, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL–The University celebrated the solemnity of St. Augustine, August 29 with a community mass at the Oratory and was followed by a family day celebration. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was presided by Fray William Villaflor, OAR, Local Prior and VP-Finance, with Fray Walthrode Conde, OAR; Fray Cristituto Palomar, OAR; Fray…

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BSSW Alumna is 9th place in Social Work Board Exam

Bacolod City, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL–Ms. Kaye Eunice Lamera, Social Work Alumna and Cum Laude, Batch 2019, placed 9th in the August 2019 Social Work Licensure Examination. UNO-R got 63.64% over-all passing percentage (28/44) over the national passing of 46.30% (2,723/5,880). For the first takers, UNO-R got the passing percentage of 71.43% (25/35). Congratulations!

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Recollection for September 2019: COMMUNION AND COMMUNICATION

Lk. 10:38-42 Whoever accepts to be a disciple, is so because he desires to learn, because he has his heart open to listen and to welcome what the Master may say or do. The basic attitude of a disciple is to listen and to listen requires silence, serene and tranquil reception. The words of the…

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Translated by Fray Emilio Larlar, Jr., OAR Lk 14:1.7-14 A. Invocation to the Holy Spirit Let us invoke the Holy Spirit with the words of St. Augustine. Come Holy Spirit, by whom every pious soul who believes in Christ in order to make himself a citizen of the City of God is made holy! (En.…

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