Prior General’s Message

Prot. CG 160/2023 May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace. Dear brothers and sisters: As we prepare our bags to return to Rome after two months in Asia (the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia), I would like to take this opportunity to write this letter for the communities of the Province of…

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LECTIO DIVINA: First Sunday of Advent, Cycle B

Mk. 13:33-37. A. Invoking the Holy Spirit. We invoke the Holy Spirit using the words of St. Augustine.           Come, Holy Spirit, by whom every devout soul, who believes in Christ, is sanctified to become a citizen of the City of God! (en. Ps. 45:8) Come, Holy Spirit, grant that we receive the motions of…

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First Sunday of Advent (December 3, 2023) • Central to the celebration of Advent is the need for a vital space for God in our hearts. Advent as a preparation for Christ’s coming is nothing more and nothing less than a self-emptying patterned upon the self-emptying of Christ himself. (Jesus “emptied himself, by taking the…

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Father General Visits the Recoletos Community of Indonesia

The Augustinian Recollect Community of Paroki Santo Agustinus dari Hippo – Ledo in Indonesia were grateful for the visit of the Prior General Fray Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez, OAR and the general secretary Fray Luciano Audisio, OAR. They arrived in the community on November 17, 2023. This fraternal visit commenced with the concelebrated Mass presided…

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LECTIO DIVINA: Christ the King

Mt. 25:31-46. A. Invoking the Holy Spirit. We invoke the Holy Spirit using the words of St/ Augustine.           Come, Holy Spirit, by whom every devout soul, who believes in Christ, is sanctified to become a citizen of the City of God! (en. Ps. 45:8) Come, Holy Spirit, grant that we receive the motions of…

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SARF de Filipinas joins 11 Countries in the 1st International Encounter in Rio de Janeiro

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – With one soul and one heart, members of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity de Filipinas joined 11 countries in the very first International Encounter that was held in Rio de Janeiro last 13-16 November 2023 in Sitio Santo Agostinho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The group was composed of 8 fraternity…

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