33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time The gospel readings for the last few Sundays before the end of the Church calendar are intended to keep alive the vigilance of expectation so that Christ doesn’t find us indolent and unprepared, and the devil doesn’t rob us of the treasures of heaven. These are Sundays when we are…

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Augustinian Recollect Family “concludes” Year of Holiness

Augustinian Recollect Family “concludes” Year of Holiness Activities for the closing of the Year of Holiness began Sunday, November 12, with a concelebrated mass at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish church. The main celebrant, Fr. Lauro V. Larlar, OAR, Prior of Recoletos Formation Center, gave a brilliant homily using the notion of Pope emeritus…

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32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A

Sunday 32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time A             First, we take note of some important details: The oil in this parable is not just oil. It stands for the sum of good deeds each virgin has accumulated during her lifetime. And the wedding party is not just a wedding party. It is the parable’s way…

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Isaiah, in the first reading, compares the people God to a vineyard that has produced bad grapes.  After all the labors—the soil carefully prepared, the location well-chosen, the selected vine stock planted, the boundary set up to keep out the wild animals, the tower and the wine-press—all lovingly prepared by the owner but the vineyard…

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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time “GIVE TO CAESAR WHAT IS CAESAR’S AND TO GOD WHAT IS GOD’S”   “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s… and to God what is God’s.” This verse is most often quoted by some politicians, rulers and opinion makers as they accuse the Church of interfering in politics. When, for example,…

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19 Postulants Receive OAR Habit

BAGUIO CITY – Nineteen third year college seminarians received the habit of the Order of the Augustinian Recollects during the solemn mass presided by Prior Provincial Rev. Fr. Dionisio Selma, OAR last October 12, feast of the seminary patron Our Lady of the Pillar.

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Readings: Is 25:6-10 / Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5.6 / Phil 4:12-14; 119-20/ Mt. 22:1-14   For the past three Sundays, we have been reading and reflecting on several parables about the kingdom. This Sunday another parable is presented to us as our point for reflection—the parable of the wedding banquet.                                                       ******   The…

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OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno pays tribute to Golden Jubilarians

OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno pays tribute to Golden Jubilarians The months of September and October are special for Fr. Emeterio Buňao, OAR and Fr. Hubert Decena, OAR, as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of their priestly ordination. At some stage of their Augustinian Recollect lives, Frs. Bunao and Decena have been teachers, formators,…

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Bishop of Chalan Kanoa presides over the ordination of Recollect priests and deacons

Bishop of Chalan Kanoa presides over the ordination of Recollect priests and deacons             On Saturday, September 30, at Our Lady of Consolation Parish Church, Quezon City, three deacons and 6 solemn professed Augustinian Recollects were ordained to the priesthood and diaconate, respectively. The main celebrant and ordaining prelate, Most…

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time A

26 A (Two Sons) Readings: Ez 18:25-28 / Ps 25: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9/ Phil 2:1-11 / Mt. 21: 28-32 ****** In today’s gospel Jesus tells the parable of two sons who say one thing and do another. Asked by the father to go and work in the vineyard, the first son said no but later…

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