General Chapter Highlights: October 21-24, 2016

October 21 – Profiling of proposals prior to their approval As has been customary, the day commenced with the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharistic celebration. Fray José David Niño Gómez presided the mass which was offered for the special intention of the Recollect Augustinian Youth and in grateful memory of St. Laura Montoya,…

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Shoes on the Mantelpiece

Shoes on the Mantelpiece There was once a very poor orphan who wanted nothing more in the world than to belong to a family. Finally, his opportunity came. He was eight years old and a family wanted to adopt him! Introductions were made, papers were signed, and just 6 days after his eighth birthday he…

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October 21 – Profiling of proposals prior to their approval As has been customary, the day commenced with the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharistic celebration. Fray José David Niño Gómez presided the mass which was offered for the special intention of the Recollect Augustinian Youth and in grateful memory of St. Laura Montoya,…

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Life is a mirror . . .

. . . let me tell you a story: Life is a Mirror A poor boy was in love with a rich man’s daughter. One day, the boy proposed to her, and the girl said, “Your monthly salary is equivalent to my daily expenses. How can I be involved with you?” She went on, “How…

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October 16 The Capitulars took a refreshing trip to Gennazzano, a town in the Province of Rome that lies at 1,230 feet above sea level. They visited a famous church and entrusted the 55th General Chapter to the loving care of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio (Our Lady of Good Counsel). They also had the opportunity…

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The Pope to the Augustinian Recollects: be men of hope

This morning in the Clementine Hall the Holy Father received the sixty members of the 55th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, the theme of which is a prayer of St. Augustine: “All my hope lies in Your great mercy. Command what You will and give what You command”. This invocation, affirmed Francis,…

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Saints and Sinners

Sinners and Saints From its very beginning the members of the Christian Community were-are a mixed bunch made up of saints and sinners. It also includes many who are not sure “what” they are and some who don’t seem to care one way or another.  St. Augustine hints at an answer to the question: “Why…

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Pope Francis receives an artwork on the refugee crisis

Pope Francis personally received the framed artwork “Embracing Mercy” from a Filipino liturgical artist at the Sala Clementina, Vatican City, Rome after the special papal audience granted to the Augustinian Recollects who are participating in the 55th General Chapter last October 20, 2016.

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30th Sunday Pointers

  Luke 18:9-14 ***** A biblical commentator points out that the parable Jesus proclaims is essential in at least three aspects: 1.  The Parable tells us that God knows us as we really are. 2.  The Parable tells us that God accepts us as we are. 3.  Although God accepts us as we are, He…

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