Pointless points ….. New Year = New Heart

A New Year with a new heart . . . If you happen to look at the headlines of the past days you will notice that the news only affirms that year after year, nothing has really changed. News is the same the world over: corruption in the government, kidnappings, murders, rape, exploitation of the…

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Pointless points after Christmas

The Days after Christmas It is just a few days after celebrating Christ’s birth. But there is the inevitable letdown. The empty boxes, the pretty paper on the floor, the empty bottles . . . Life has come back to normal, whatever that is, and it means that the diversion of the past few weeks,…

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Holy Family

Pope Francis’ message to families (points to ponder for families everywhere this Feast of the Holy Family).   “There is no perfect family. We have no perfect parents and neither do we have perfect children. We have complaints about each other. We are disappointed by one another. Therefore, there is no healthy marriage or healthy…

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Christmas is forever . . .

Christ did not come into the world only for December 25–he came to live with us for the rest of our lives . . . and for eternity. So let’s make each day like Christmas! onz, oar

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Pointless Points this Christmas

”What does Christmas mean?” Perhaps we should begin with this question because Christmas seems to mean so many things to so many people. IF Christmas means family; THEN what does Christmas mean to a person who has just lost a loved one or has no family? IF Christmas means shopping malls, Christmas trees and blinking…

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We gather together to remember that Jesus was born into our world—a God becoming a human being like us. He came to show us God’s enormous love. He came to be with us, to experience our joys and pains, to be a part of our lives, to bring us joy and peace in a world…

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Luke 1:46-56     We read in Luke’s gospel that when Mary finds out she is pregnant she rushes to her older cousin Elizabeth who is also expecting her first child. Our Father is a God of surprises. He surprised Mary and Elizabeth with unexpected gifts—a baby born of a virgin, a baby born of a…

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Luke 1:5-25 God goes ahead with his plan despite Zechariah’s lack of faith. The Almighty was anxious to raise up a fitting herald for his Son and no human effort could ever encumber His designs. Zechariah’s lack of faith did not disrupt nor soil God’s plan—a fitting herald was born in the person of John…

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7th Day of Simbanggabi (December 22)

Gospel Reading: 46And Mary said, Mary Praises God “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy…

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8th Day of Simbanggabi (December 23)

Gospel Reading Luke 1:57-66 The Birth of John 57Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. 58Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her. The Circumcision and the Naming of John 59On the eighth day they came…

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